What Disney Character Are You?

Determine What Disney Character You Are!

Rylee Fehr
Created by Rylee Fehr (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 9, 2016

If You See a Hurt Animal During Your Morning Run, You:

You're Making a Very Critical Decision, You:

You're Deciding What to Wear, You:

Your Deciding What Music to Listen to, You:



You are Ariel! You are fun-loving and adventurous! Although you are sometimes misunderstood, you keep your head up high, and are always a kind friend!



You are Belle! You are gentle, loving, and caring! Though some people think you are a bit quirky, once they get to know you, they see what a loving and loyal person you are!



You are Rapunzel! You are trustworthy, caring, and want to explore the world! You are always there for a friend, and although you don't seem like it at first, you are strong and protective over the ones you love!



You are Dory! You are funny and a good friend. Although you can be forgetful, you always know who to stick with, and are a friend to everyone!

Judy Hopps!

Judy Hopps!

You are Judy! You are determined, friendly, and have a need for adventure! You are smart, and wont give up on what you know is right. You are friendly and kind!



You are Anna! You are sweet, friendly, and quirky! If someone you love is in a situation where you can help, you will without a doubt!

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