What Disney Movie Do You Belong In?
What Disney Movie Do You Belong In?
Find out what Disney movie you belong in!
Find out what Disney movie you belong in!
Created by Rylee Fehr (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 10, 2016
If Someone Was In Danger, You Would:
Your Friend Got Cheated on by Their Boyfriend/Girlfriend, You Would:
Your Best Friend Stabs You in the Back, You:
You belong in Mulan! You are a strong warrior, who fights for what they believe in!
Lilo and Stitch!
Lilo and Stitch!
You belong in Lilo and Stitch! You are friendly, loving, and a good friend!
Monsters Inc.!
Monsters Inc.!
You belong in Monsters Inc.! You may seem a bit aggressive, but when people get to know you, you are super sweet and loving!
You belong in Frozen! Although you can be unreasonable at times, you never forget the power of a strong family bond!
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