Ryan Lochte Just Confirmed He Was In Fact Robbed At Gun Point Last Night
Ryan Lochte Just Confirmed He Was In Fact Robbed At Gun Point Last Night
The IOC initially denied these claims, but Lochte spoke out this morning about his experience and the details are truly chilling
The IOC initially denied these claims, but Lochte spoke out this morning about his experience and the details are truly chilling

Said Lochte; "We got pulled over, in the taxi, and these guys came out with a police badge, no lights, no nothing -- just a police badge and they pulled us over, they pulled out their guns, they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground -- they got down on the ground. I refused, I was like we didn't do anything wrong, so -- I'm not getting down on the ground."
Michael Phelps was not among the robbed athletes
Lochte continued that "And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, 'Get down,' and I put my hands up, I was like 'whatever.' He took our money, he took my wallet -- he left my cell phone, he left my credentials."
Lochte has been in the news recently for his interesting hair choices
Luckily all of the athletes made it back to the Olympic Village safe and sound. According to Lochte's Mom they're all fine, if a little shaken up. Lochte tweeted this statement this morning, thanking everyone for their support and announcing his plans to go to Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics.
twitter embed goes here!
Good for you Ryan!
This hasn't been the first instance of violence at this year's Olympics. Before the Olympics began, a Judoka from New Zealand was robbed in a very similar way. We're all very thankful that Ryan and friends are home safe! What do YOU think about this? Why did the IOC deny the reports at first? Do you think Rio was the right choice to host the Olympics? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this with your friends!
Good luck with Tokyo 2020 Ryan!