What Fantasy Class Are You?
What Fantasy Class Are You?
A quiz designed to see where you fit in a band of merry miscreants
A quiz designed to see where you fit in a band of merry miscreants
Created by Sac Saccum (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 16, 2015
When you get in a fight, do you
When its time to divide the loot, do you
How much alcohol do you drink?
What do you fight for?
Which Characteristic defines you?
What was your favorite childhood activity
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your favorite food?
Somebody steals your precious keepsake. What is your first course of action?
Out of all these actors, which of these actors do you like best?
You are NARTO!
You are NARTO!
You want to be the Hokage! You love Ramen Noodles! You are loud and boisterous! BELIEVE IT!!~!
you aren't NARTO :(
you aren't NARTO :(
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