How well do you know Grey's Anatomy?

Do you think you know enough about Grey's Anatomy to pass this quiz? Let's find out!

Sadie Fruci
Created by Sadie Fruci(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 4, 2016
1 / 12

Which of the following was nicknamed McDreamy?

2 / 12

How many half sister's does Meredith have/had?

3 / 12

What was the name of the woman who Arizona cheated on Callie with?

4 / 12

Who played her?

5 / 12

How did Meredith and Derek meet?

6 / 12

What is Meredith's father's name?

7 / 12

Who had to do his internship again?

8 / 12

Meredith told a shooter to shoot her?

9 / 12

Who was on the plane that killed Lexie and Mark?

10 / 12

How many times has Christina been engaged?

11 / 12

How did George die?

12 / 12

youtube embed goes here!

Who out of these hasn't Lexie kissed?

Questions left
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