Which Safari Ltd Dragon are You?
Which Safari Ltd Dragon are You?
Discover which dragon fits your personality!
Discover which dragon fits your personality!
What's your super power?
How would you vanquish your foe?
How do you like to spend your free time?
What is your favorite animal?
You just remembered you have wings! Where would you like to travel to first?
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Someone's in trouble! What do you do?
Which of these colors do you like the best?
Sleepy Dragon
Sleepy Dragon
Sleepy Dragon is always really sleepy. It's all he thinks about. Are you always tired too?
Princess Dragon
Princess Dragon
Princess Dragon is the most fabulous dragon around. You're probably super stylish and wish to have your own castle as well!
Sun Dragon
Sun Dragon
Sun Dragon is all about the heat. You can find him in really hot places such as the desert. You probably dream about having the ability to wield fire!
Flower Dragon
Flower Dragon
Flower Dragon is one with the Earth. You probably love being outside and exploring nature!
Grumpy Dragon
Grumpy Dragon
Grumpy Dragon is well ... grumpy. A lot of things probably get you mad but deep down, you probably have a soft side.
Love Dragon
Love Dragon
Love Dragon is known for spreading love to others. You're probably known for being friendly!
Guardian Dragon
Guardian Dragon
Guardian Dragon is known for protecting everything that he loves. You probably make sure to take care of all of you're loved ones!
Happy Dragon
Happy Dragon
Happy Dragon is just a big ball of sunshine. You're probably known for bringing cheer to others!