What would you actually do if life gave you lemons??
What would you actually do if life gave you lemons??
Which word best describes you??
What is your weakness??
Whats your spirit animal out of these??
How do you like to relax?
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Sweet or salty food??
If you could have a power what would it be?
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Before you go...what word do you use the most?
When life gives you lemons make lemonade
When life gives you lemons make lemonade
When Life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Your the type of person who is positive, friendly, and probably are the "see the glass half full" type of person. Sometimes life will throw lemons, and you always make the best out of it and make lemonade :)
When life gives you lemons make apple juice and ;et the world wonder how the hell you did it
When life gives you lemons make apple juice and ;et the world wonder how the hell you did it
When life gives you lemons your going to make apple juice. You are the type of person who is confident, quirky, and most likely has a wild side and a sense of humor. Never let anyone tell you your odd as a bad thing because you are, and thats what makes you you!!
When life gives you lemons chuck them straight back (Really hard)
When life gives you lemons chuck them straight back (Really hard)
When life gives you lemons you throw them right back (really really hard). You aren't gonna take crap from anybody , including life. Your most likely really smart and strong and do whatever it takes to achieve whatever it is that your achieving :)
When life gives you lemons squirt them in other peoples eyes and make them miserable
When life gives you lemons squirt them in other peoples eyes and make them miserable
I'm not completely sure if you just think its funny or if you straight up enjoy being mean. But when life gives you lemons, you squirt them in other peoples faces. Although your not too nice, you know how to enjoy yourself and are the best at having fun. But seriously, SHAME ON YOU :(
When life gives you lemons just let them sit there until they rot
When life gives you lemons just let them sit there until they rot
When life gives you lemons you just let them do there thing. Life cannot always be perfect and if you never have to deal with problems you'll never know how to face them. Your pretty smart and have a very logical mind :)