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What Do Your Pool Skills Say About You?

Are you a rick taker, or do you tend to play it safe?

Sally Tatum
Created by Sally Tatum
On May 30, 2016

You're playing solids. Which ball do you hit?

Still solids, which one do you go for?

And how about now?

Where would you try to pocket the 3-ball (red)?

Now you're playing stripes. Where do you try to pocket your ball (13)?

Playing stripes, which ball do you go for?

Still playing stripes, which ball do you try to pocket?

And where would you try to pocket the 10-ball?

Back to solids, where would you try to pocket the 3-ball (red)?

Where would you pocket the 8-ball?

And now?

And how about now?

You are a competitive leader!

You are a competitive leader!

You are a competitive leader. You are self-driven, determined, and always ready for action. You do what you enjoy, and you take it very seriously. You plan ahead, manage money wisely, and could build a top-notch business from scratch. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below and share the quiz with your friends.

You are a risk-taker!

You are a risk-taker!

You are a risk-taker, but you play to win. You set high standards, refuse to accept the status quo, and enjoy experimenting. You have a lower level of fear than most people, and you believe that anything is possible. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below and share the quiz with your friends.

You are a curious learner!

You are a curious learner!

You are a curious learner. You are self-motivated and determined, and you do not take things at face value. You are skeptic, and yet flexible and open-minded. Your intelligence is well above the average. You notice what others overlook, and can shake off (or even embrace) failure. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below and share the quiz with your friends.

You are a hopeless romantic!

You are a hopeless romantic!

You are a hopeless romantic. You have always looked for a deep spiritual connection. Your emotions are easily aroused and quickly discharged. You get your work done at your own pace, and you are not too stressed about outcomes. You know there are more important things in life. People admire you for your sincerity and trustworthiness, and love you for who you are. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below and share the quiz with your friends.

You are free-spirited and FUN!

You are free-spirited and FUN!

You are free-spirited and FUN. You are kind, calm, and bighearted. You take life as it comes, and make interesting, original connections that most people overlook. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below and share the quiz with your friends.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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