What is your teaching style?
What is your teaching style?
Just as learners have individual learning styles, swimming teachers have teaching styles that work best for them too. Answer these 10 questions to find out what your teaching style is!
Just as learners have individual learning styles, swimming teachers have teaching styles that work best for them too. Answer these 10 questions to find out what your teaching style is!
It is imperative that class starts and ends exactly on time
The lesson plan must be followed exactly as it was written to be effective
It is important for teachers to become friends with learners so they feel comfortable in class
Is it ok for learners to become leaders in the group?
Learner questions, should they be encouraged or not?
It is important to keep up-to-date with the latest teaching research ...
It is important my learners are always rewarded ...
Swimming lessons should be fun ...
If a learner decides not to continue with his / her swimming lessons, the teacher ...
Its important for swimming teachers to wear a smart uniform when teaching because ...
You have 'instructor' type tendencies. You tend to be very organised and thorough in your teaching.
You have 'colleague' type teaching tendencies. Your learners often find you approachable and fun!
You embrace a 'facilitator' style of teaching. This means that while you understand your role as the leader in the group, you also believe your learners have a great deal to contribute to the process.