What Personality Type Is Your Complete Opposite?
What Personality Type Is Your Complete Opposite?
What personality type is your COMPLETE opposite? Who drives you nuts? Let's find out!
What personality type is your COMPLETE opposite? Who drives you nuts? Let's find out!
![Samantha Jones](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/e8999e4b-241d-4a63-84e8-5c69043a52a2.jpg)
What's your idea of a perfect weekend?
What's your biggest pet peeve of the following?
Choose a spirit animal:
How would your describe your communication style?
What's your first reaction when something goes wrong?
What's your birth order?
Choose an activity:
How do you handle anger?
The Pessimist
The Pessimist
The pessimist is your complete opposite! Their glass is half empty mentality is the furthest thing away from your natural optimism. You can't stand their gloomy outlook on life and their self fulfilling prophecies of doom. With all of the positivity and love in the world, you can't fathom walking around with your own personal rain cloud. You're natural enthusiasm for life just doesn't jive with those pessimistic Debbie downers! You're exactly what they need to see the bright side of life. Are you up to the task?
The Performer
The Performer
The performer is your polar opposite! You can't stand people that must be the center of attention, sucking all of the air out of the room. Your modest, down to earth and grounded personality is the perfect contrast to those attention seeking performers! You don't understand why they need the constant approval of others. You're always thinking to yourself who in their right mind would enjoy being the spotlight?! These attention crazed drama queens need you around for a dose of down to earth reality. Do you agree? Let us know!
The Artist
The Artist
Your complete personality opposite is the artist! You've never understood creative personality types with their head up in the clouds.. You tend to think they're a bit insane and make the most bizarre life choices! You have no problem with art, but those flaky and strange artists just make you role your eyes! Your practical and ambitious outlook on life is a stark contrast to artists who are more interested in creating beautiful pieces of art rather than climbing the corporate ladder. You're exactly what artists need to connect back to the real world! Do you agree? Let us know!
The Idealist
The Idealist
Your complete personality opposite is the idealist. Those idealistic thinkers and dreamers completely disconnected from reality drive you insane! You too have big ideas and strong beliefs, but with both your feet on the ground you have difficulty understanding those who talk the talk but can't manage to walk the walk. Idealists frustrate you most because they seem to lose their grasp on reality the more they talk about their ideas! You're exactly what they need to come back to earth and take a good look at reality! Do you agree? Let us know!
The Perfectionist
The Perfectionist
Your personality opposite is the perfectionist! You can't stand those overbearing and obsessive perfectionists that must do everything just right! Their OCD drives you mad and your relaxed outlook on life just can't comprehend their need to be perfect at everything. It's not that you can't respect a job well done, but you know better than the rest of us that life simply isn't perfect. You roll your eyes in disdain every time a perfectionist crosses your path! You're exactly what they need to lighten up! Do you agree? Let us know!
The Politician
The Politician
Your complete personality opposite is the cunning and slick politician. You can't stand people pleasers and smooth talkers. You say what you mean and you go up the wall with frustration when people flip flop just to get their way. Double speak has never been your forte and you'd rather be alone than surrounded with fake and power hungry personality types.. We can always rely on you to be the first on to call them out on their BS! Do you agree? Let us know!
The Introvert
The Introvert
The introvert is your complete opposite! Those sulky, moody and reclusive introverts who seem to disappear for days at time after the smallest of social gathering make you wonder if there' s really any hope in the world. You find their obsessive need for privacy and alone time completely foreign and even a bit bizarre. You can appreciate the occasional down time but with such a fascinating social world buzzing all around you, you can't imagine turning inward! You're exactly what an introvert needs to come out of their shell! Do you agree? Let us know in the comments!