What's Your Dominant Brain Function?
What's Your Dominant Brain Function?
Which of the four brain functions is your most dominant? Let's find out!
Which of the four brain functions is your most dominant? Let's find out!
![Samantha Jones](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/e8999e4b-241d-4a63-84e8-5c69043a52a2.jpg)
Rate yourself on the scale: I enjoy having a wide circle of good acquaintances
I often think about humankind and its destiny
I believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed
I think objective criticism is always useful in any activity
I trust reason over feelings
I am a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication
I get bored if I have to read theoretical books
I value justice higher than mercy
The more people with whom I speak, the better I feel
I'm strongly touched by stories about people's troubles
I think that almost everything can be analyzed
When solving a problem I consider the rational approach to be the best
I make an argument based on numbers and facts, not emotions or ideals
I enjoy answering questions about myself
Basal Right Brain: Intuition
Basal Right Brain: Intuition
Your dominant brain function is intuition! You're basal right brain is the most dominant part of your brain. According to psychologists, this makes you a warm person that values intimacy, sees extenuating circumstances and strives for harmony. You're naturally empathic, compassionate and connect well with others. You listen to your instinct and your gut feelings never lead you astray. You have strong interpersonal skills and you often feel deep compassion for people that you barely know. You always see the big picture and there's nothing more important to you than balance and harmony. You're most dominant brain function of intuition makes you a loving friend and lover!
Frontal Right Brain: Imagination
Frontal Right Brain: Imagination
Your dominant brain function is imagination! You're frontal right brain is the most dominant part of your brain. According to psychologist this makes you a naturally speculative, fantasy-focused, and imaginative person. You're never stuck in the past and you're always looking forward to the future. You're goal oriented, driven and a natural visualizer. You're optimist, outgoing and very expressive. You become easily bored and you need constant excitement and stimulation. You're at you're happiest when you're creating. Your dominant function of imagination makes you an incredibly fascinating and inspirational person!
Frontal Left Brain: Logic
Frontal Left Brain: Logic
Your dominant brain function is logic! Your frontal left brain is the most dominant part of your brain. According to psychologists this makes you an analytical, objective, critical and principled person. You're thrive in all scientific and mathematical pursuits. You're a natural problem solver and you have little patience for fantasy and unrealistic goals. You dislike people with their heads lost in the clouds, while you keep two solid feet on the ground. You're tactical, goal, results-oriented, direct and always take a no nonsense approach to life. You're highly intelligent and very responsible. Your dominant brain function of logic makes you a natural born thinker and problem solver!
Basal Left Brain: Order
Basal Left Brain: Order
Your dominant brain function is order! Your basal left brain is the most dominant part of your brain. According to your psychologist this makes you realistic, down-to-earth, practical and sensible. You shrive in structure and generally strongly respect authority. You're past-focused, detailed, and remarkably efficient. You're naturally dependable and the person that everyone in your social circle can rely on. You make great strides to keep your life organized and it pays off! You're most likely very successful and financially responsible. Your dominant brain function of order makes your a capable organizer that can turn thoughts into concrete action! You are truly a natural born leader!