Do You Know Me?
Do You Know Me?
How well do you think you know me?
How well do you think you know me?

What is My Favorite Color?
What is my favorite animal?
What is my favorite sport?
What is my favorite book?
What is my favorite season?
What month is my birthday?
How many brothers do I have?
Who is my best friend?
What is my favorite food?
What religion am I?
Are we best friends?!
Are we best friends?!
You know me pretty well, so good job! Either you listen really well or I just repeat things a lot. Either way good job, you aced this test. Grade: A+
We are most likely good friends
We are most likely good friends
You know me pretty well, we might not be best friends or anything but I am sure we will get there! Good try. Grade: B+
Do you even know me?
Do you even know me?
Do you actually know me? You may have seen me around but you obviously don't talk to me very much, or you don't retain information well. How about you try again? Grade: C+
I don't think you have ever met me.
I don't think you have ever met me.
Have we even ever met? We most likely don't talk at all or if we do it's limited to "Hi." Because you sure didn't ace this test. How about you talk to me and then try again. Grade: D+