97% Of People Can't Pass This Vocabulary Memory Test
97% Of People Can't Pass This Vocabulary Memory Test
Are you in the 3%?
Are you in the 3%?

You Passed! You have an amazing memory and vocabulary!
You Passed! You have an amazing memory and vocabulary!
Amazing! You fit into 3% of the population that can get a perfect score on this test! (And it's not easy). You have a sharp memory and a brilliant talent for words. You are a keen academic and love reading and learning new things. You are excellent with people because you remember every person you meet and the stories that come along with them. You're intelligent, but also creative. With such a sponge for a brain and such an articulate mind, you will go far!
Almost perfect! Your memory & vocabulary is okay.
Almost perfect! Your memory & vocabulary is okay.
Almost there! You have an okay memory and your vocabulary is quite extensive! You get confused easily, and you're the kind of person who needs structure, order and routine in order to be in control of your life. You're much better with numbers, science and logistical puzzles rather than words and images. Your brain works in black and white and when you put your mind to something, you know how to work your butt off and accomplish great things!
Oops! Better try again!
Oops! Better try again!
Not quite! You didn't ace the test, but it's not a big deal because your strengths lie in other areas. You may not have an amazing memory or affinity for words, but you have a brilliant imagination and you're a talented artist. You work best with what's in front of you, you have a gift for building, creating and making your visions come to fruition. You are quiet and reserved inside, but when you are assigned a project that you are passionate about, you truly succeed!