Which Disease Will You Get According To Your Life Choices?
Which Disease Will You Get According To Your Life Choices?
If you are stressed, you are likely to develop this condition...
If you are stressed, you are likely to develop this condition...

Do you drink tea or coffee?
What kind of environment do you work in?
On a scale of 1-6 how stressed are you in general?
How often do you exercise?
What's your guiltiest pleasure?
Do you smoke?
What position do you usually sleep in?
Would you consider yourself a healthy eater?
What do you most like to drink?
What time do you usually go to bed during the week?
Your active and ambitious lifestyle may put you at risk for... Lower back pain
Your active and ambitious lifestyle may put you at risk for... Lower back pain
You are most likely to suffer from lower back pain later on in life. You enjoy being active and doing things outdoors. The large nerve roots in the lower back that go to your legs may be irritated from being on your feet for large periods of time. You have an active lifestyle and you're a real "go-getter", always multitasking and keeping yourself busy with multiple projects at a time. But it's important to let your body relax and enjoy some time to yourself so that you don't overwork your body, causing you to have muscle stress later in life.
Your intense and challenging lifestyle may put you at risk for... Arthritis
Your intense and challenging lifestyle may put you at risk for... Arthritis
You are most likely to have arthritis later on in life. You work with your hands a lot and engage in strenuous activities often. For the most part, you are very health-conscious and take care of your body, health and fitness, but sometimes you over exert yourself. You are an ambitious person, who is constantly trying to challenge yourself and push your own limits. You should treat yourself to more relaxing activities like getting a massage or taking some time to enjoy a good book instead of running around so much.
Your vibrant and vivacious lifestyle might put you at risk for... High cholesterol
Your vibrant and vivacious lifestyle might put you at risk for... High cholesterol
You are most likely to suffer from high cholesterol later in life. You have a vibrant, vivacious personality and you love to indulge. Food, drink, partying, you love it all. You're not so keen on health and exercise because you would rather engage in activities that make you feel good, rather than do things that may be good for you. It's not too late to sustain your fun, social lifestyle while also making health conscious choices.
Your sensitive and empathetic nature may put you at risk for... Chronic indigestion
Your sensitive and empathetic nature may put you at risk for... Chronic indigestion
You will most likely suffer from indigestion later in life if you don't already. You get anxious and nervous easily, and the stress that you have on a daily basis goes right to your stomach. Research shows that anxiety may start in the mind, but it often manifests itself in the body through physical symptoms, like chronic digestive problems. You are a sensitive and perceptive person, you pick up on other people's energies quickly and are very aware of your own emotional state at all times. Meditative therapy such as yoga may be very helpful for someone like you who worries and over analyzes a lot.
Your independent and ambitious personality might be putting you at risk for.. Heartburn
Your independent and ambitious personality might be putting you at risk for.. Heartburn
You are most likely to suffer from heartburn later in life if you don't already. You are a responsible and independent person who takes yourself very seriously. The most important things in your life are your work and your family, but you often forget to take time for yourself and just breathe. You are highly sensitive to other people's behavior, and you feel what they are feeling very strongly. You don't always think about what you are eating or being health conscious because you are so busy worrying about other things. You should try and spend more time doing relaxation exercises and paying attention to foods that agree with your body.
Your imaginative and thoughtful personality might be putting you at risk for... Dizzy spells
Your imaginative and thoughtful personality might be putting you at risk for... Dizzy spells
You are most likely to suffer from dizzy spells later on in life. You have a sort of spacey or aloof personality. You are very inside of your own head, always thinking, imagining and dreaming of how to create or accomplish new things. Sometimes you are so busy consumed in your own mind that you forget to take care of your body or nourish yourself properly. You excel at being brilliant in most areas of your life, but you should work on figuring out a routine and diet regimen that will keep you strong and alert at all times.