Which Pitch Perfect Song Is Your Acapella Anthem?
Which Pitch Perfect Song Is Your Acapella Anthem?
Which mash-up represents your mood!
Which mash-up represents your mood!

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Cups (When I'm Gone)
Cups (When I'm Gone)
Your acapella anthem is the Cups song that Anna Kendrick's character Beka sings for her audition to join the Bardem Bellas! Like in the music video, you are yearning for adventure in your life! Maybe it's time to pack your bags and go on a journey somewhere!
Price Tag/Don't You (Forget About Me)/Give Me Everything
Price Tag/Don't You (Forget About Me)/Give Me Everything
Your acapella anthem is the Price Tag/Don't You Forget About Me mash-up that the Barden Bellas sing at their final competition. You are a ball of energy and love to have fun. You are a romantic who wears your heart on your sleeve, and people adore you for your outgoing and warm spirit! No one will forget about you anytime soon!
The Sign/Eternal Flame/Turn the Beat Around
The Sign/Eternal Flame/Turn the Beat Around
Your acapella anthem is the original "I Saw The Sign" mash-up that the Bellas sang at their first competitions. You are a traditionalist and you like doing what feels familiar and comfortable. You are very organized and good at maintaining balance in your life. Although you can be semi-neurotic, you have a truly good heart and people look up to you as a leader of guidance and wisdom!
Riff Off: Ladies of the 80's & Songs About Sex
Riff Off: Ladies of the 80's & Songs About Sex
Your acapella anthem is the mash-up of 80s songs and sexy beats that the Bellas and the Trebles sing during their riff off. You are a very competitive person who is always thinking on your feet. You are highly imaginative and creative as well as witty. You will stop at nothing to achieve your best and beat your competition whenever you need to succeed! No diggity, no doubt that you rock!
Just the Way You Are/Just a Dream
Just the Way You Are/Just a Dream
Your acapella anthem is the "Just The Way You Are/Just A Dream" mash-up. You are an empathetic and tolerant person and many know you as the diplomat since you tend to stay away from drama. You are kind and gentle most of the time, but you have a fierce and driven attitude beneath your calm exterior. You are comfortable in your own skin and a pleasure to be around, and that's why everyone loves you just the way you are!