What clan do you belong to?
What clan do you belong to?
Whether it be Thunderclan, Bloodclan or Skyclan, where do your loyalties lie?
Whether it be Thunderclan, Bloodclan or Skyclan, where do your loyalties lie?

Can you sneak up on your friends without them noticing you?
Can you run fast?
Enjoy a good swim every now and then?
Your friend was accused of something they didn't do. Would you defend their reputation?
You've scented clan scent on your side of the border and found prey littered in certain parts. What do you do?
Do you like the dark? Staying up at night?
If you had to choose what prey you had to eat, what would you choose?
To each his own?
You love a cat from another clan! What do you do?
Is following the rules important for you?
Do you prefer to keep to yourself?
Can you sneak up on a friend or family member without them noticing?
Do you like camping or spending a lot of time outdoors?
Is loyalty the most important thing to you in any relationship you ever have?
Would you be the first one out of all your friends to try the scariest roller coaster?
Final question. Have you ever wanted to travel the world?
You belong to Thunderclan!
Fierce and Brave!
In peace, Thunderclan are respectful of other clans. In battle, fierce, courageous, and loyal. Thunderclan cats speak out for what is right and are not afraid to challenge the warrior code.
Their prey mainly consists of mice, voles, squirrels, the occasional rabbit, and birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, and thrushes.
Excellent stalking techniques. They keep upwind of their prey, creeping across the forest floor unseen and unheard.
You belong to Windclan!
Swift and Loyal!
Windclan cats are fiercely loyal, tough, fast-running, and can become easily offended. They are nervous and quick to flee, due to the lack of cover on the open moor.
Their prey mainly consists of rabbits and the occasional thrush, moorhen and rarely, hawks.
Fast, lean, and swift. Their short, smooth pelts of browns and grays blend in with the rocks and grasses, giving them a plus for battle and hunting on the open moorland.
You belong to Riverclan!
Clever and Strong!
Riverclan are contented, sleek, well fed. Long fur and glossy coats. They love beautiful things and often collect rocks, shells, and feathers for their dens. They do not fear water.
Their prey consists mainly of fish but also water voles, shrews, and mice.
Riverclan are strong swimmers, they move silently and scentless through the water. They scoop fish out of the water from the bank—a skill most cats in the other clans cannot master.
You belong to Shadowclan!
Wily and Proud!
Shadowclan cats are battle-hungry, aggressive, ambitious, and greedy for territory. It is said that the cold wind that blows across the Shadowclan territory chills their hearts and makes them suspicious and very untrusting.
Their prey mainly consists of frogs, lizards, and snakes that live in Shadowclan’s boggy, peaty territory. A secret food source is a twoleg garbage dump on the far boundary of their territory, although they have to be careful not to eat infected rats or crow-food.
Shadowclan cats hunt by night better than other clan cats and are skilled at skulking unseen through the undergrowth.
You belong to Skyclan!
Agile and Determined!
Skyclan cats are private, thoughtful and unlikely to initiate hostility against other cats or clans. When Skyclan lived in the forest, they were the most likely to seek a peaceful solution to interclan disputes, and consequently were often accused of cowardice by the other clans.
Their prey mainly consists of birds and squirrels. Songthrushes are a particular favorite.
Skyclan cats have a unique ability to jump high into the air, with strong hind legs and lean, lightweight bodies. This enables them to leap into trees that lack lower branches, and where birds and squirrels might otherwise feel safe. Once in the tree, they can climb swiftly and move confidently along the smallest branches.
You belong to Bloodclan!
Deadly and Sly!
Fearful of trespassers, Bloodclan cats are ruthless and bloodthirsty. Jumping into battle at the flick of tail and never letting up till blood runs from their jaws.
Their prey mainly consists of rats, garbage, left over twoleg food, and the occasional stray forest animal.
Blood hungry and territory hungry, Bloodclan cats are extremely loyal to their leader and will murder in cold blood at the flick of a tail.