What should you do for vacation?

It can be hard to decide. Luckily there's a quiz for everything.

Sam Dayoub
Created by Sam Dayoub(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 15, 2017

How do you feel about physical activity?

What's your budget?

When do you plan to travel?

Are you a fan of nature?

Have a temperature preference?

What's your main goal for your vacation?

Hike and climb in the Southwest!

Hike and climb in the Southwest!

Go get some sick sends my dude.

Ski trip up North!

Ski trip up North!

Layer up. It'll be cold, like really cold

Tour an unfamiliar city

Tour an unfamiliar city

Whether the city is 30 miles away or 3000. You can never have too much culture.

Relax at home

Relax at home

Sleep all day, catch up on all your favorite shows, sounds pretty good to me

Visit friends and/or family

Visit friends and/or family

What's better than seeing loved ones and catching up?

Hit the beach!

Hit the beach!

Ride the wave dude

Go camping in a new biome

Go camping in a new biome

Yeah Nature! Your rainfly is down.

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