Could You Take Ronda Rhousey In A Fight?
Could You Take Ronda Rhousey In A Fight?
See if you have the ol' one-two necessary to down this incredible athlete!
See if you have the ol' one-two necessary to down this incredible athlete!

What do you consume to start off each training day?
Favorite punch?
Favorite boxing movie?
Most acceptable fast food on your cheat day?
Pump-up song of choice?
Which actress would play you (or the female version of you) in a boxing movie?
Favorite dinosaur from "Jurassic World?"
Favorite workout?
Which historical figure would you resurrect to be your trainer?
Ideal place to vacation?
WHAT!? You'd beat her!
WHAT!? You'd beat her!
Ronda gave it her all... but it wasn't enough for your strategic, calculated movements. You are the best of the best -- willing to enter the fray in any situation where others would cower in fear. You likely chug raw egg shakes as if they were delicious ice cream shakes, and your body is a bastion of unparalleled power. Just make sure you don't get too full of yourself while reigning over the UFC world!
Wow... It'd basically be a tie!
Wow... It'd basically be a tie!
At long last, Ronda has met her match in the form of YOU. While staring you down before the match, she could sense that you were a different breed than most of her rivals. You are a certified badass, performing rigorous training, and accepting nearly all challenges that come your way. With such a formidable opponent, you can be very proud this ended in a tie!
YSo Close! You'd go the distance, but she would win
YSo Close! You'd go the distance, but she would win
"Aaadriiiaannnnn!" Others may have been knocked down by the champ, but you lasted the full length of the match, and have earned the right to yell your lover's name at the top of your lungs. Going forward, just hit the heavy bags more and keep working on your form, and you'll perform even better. Your key to success is sheer motivation, so determine whom or what will be your best muse and some day, you shall triumph.
YOUCH! She would K.O. you immediately!
YOUCH! She would K.O. you immediately!
OUCH! Well... that could've gone better. The fight started less than a minute ago and already, you're taking a nap on the mat! Either you've had a few too many "cheat" days, or you're not HUNGRY enough to move up in matches. If you want to be a champ, you have to fully dedicate yourself to the cause. Just push your mind and body to the limit, and you'll improve soon enough.