How Ted Are You?
How Ted Are You?
See how closely you resemble the coolest, baddest bear in town!
See how closely you resemble the coolest, baddest bear in town!

Who is your favorite superhero?
Favorite baseball team?
How frequently do you drink?
How about smoking marijuana?
Which most closely describes your job?
Which comedian do you respect the most?
What is your biggest fear?
Which animal (aside from a bear) reflects you most?
Which music genre do you enjoy most?
Who is your ideal Hollywood celebrity girlfriend (or best friend if you're a girl)?
You're 100% "Maximum Ted"
You're 100% "Maximum Ted"
You are the epitome of the iconic bear (in human form). You have a tendency to spew foul language at any moment, and it is almost certain that you have smoked marijuana at some point (if not every day). Despite you consistently striving to sow your wild oats in the past, you have finally decided to settle down. Let's hope that your offspring carries on your glorious, raunchy legacy!
Youre 76% "Almost Ted"
Youre 76% "Almost Ted"
Close but not quite the cigar. You have more than likely smoked marijuana at some point in time, and definitely enjoy the occasional drink. Even if there are little children around, **** it, if you need to curse to express yourself, you have the right to do so. You have had a successful single lifestyle, but may be considering settling down soon and retiring from the bar scene. All in all, you're a pretty cool bear!
You're 33% "Not So Ted"
You're 33% "Not So Ted"
You are a fairly straight-edge bear. You may drink or smoke marijuana on occasion, but when you do, you do so EXTREMELY RESPONSIBLY. If you have a beer, you're not driving until at least three hours when it's completely out of your system. When it comes to relationships, you're not settled into a consistent one yet, but there's nothing wrong with playing the field. Overall, you can take pride in enjoying life through a restrained manner.
You're 2%... "The Opposite of Ted"
You're 2%... "The Opposite of Ted"
The mere mention of marijuana makes you recoil in disgust. You are far from a party animal, and might actually be the one in the apartment complex who's always telling neighbors to stay quiet. You've probably never even seen "Flash Gordon" once -- don't worry, we'll keep that embarrassing secret between us. You haven't been too aggressive recently in terms of dating, but as long as you're level-headed and focused, you'll get through life just fine.