How Would You Fare As A Comedian?
How Would You Fare As A Comedian?
Would you sell out Madison Square Garden, or bomb and get booed off the stage?
Would you sell out Madison Square Garden, or bomb and get booed off the stage?

What did you do most of in high school?
How do you react to a heckler calling you "not funny?"
Who is your comedic dream girl? (Or best friend, etc.)
What fuels your creativity most?
What animal would be the funniest if it could talk?
What do you do after a big show?
Favorite pump-up song before taking the stage?
Favorite older comedian?
You'd Sell Out Madison Square Garden!
You'd Sell Out Madison Square Garden!
"Oh... my... stop... I can't... breathe." That's the average reaction to you being on stage, because you're so hilarious, people can't stop laughing. You were not motivated by money to enter the world of comedy; you have a genuine respect for the art, and now you deserve to be a part of it. Take the stage, and make all those who know you proud to call you a friend.
You'd Be Successful, Acting In Some Sitcoms
You'd Be Successful, Acting In Some Sitcoms
Ha ha ha, you're a funny guy (or girl). You have had quite a bit of success, and you are recognized by most people well-versed in comedy. However, your jokes would have even more punch if you infused more emotional depth into them. If you want to be the ultimate king of the stage, just remember that nothing is off-limits!
You're Funny, But Need More Time to Perfect Your Craft
You're Funny, But Need More Time to Perfect Your Craft
OK! You are definitely on the right track... but sometimes, critics may call you out for being "one-note." It's more than likely you have a wealth of great material you haven't yet incorporated into your routine, so don't be afraid to venture down routes you haven't gone before. Remember, taking risks in comedy can lead to some truly profound moments.
You'd...uh... BOMB!
You'd...uh... BOMB!
Yikes! That was tough to watch. Either the hecklers were relentless, or you were putting way too much pressure on yourself. No matter the case, it's important you go back to the drawing board and work on your jokes so they can be as hilarious (and hopefully, not offensive) as possible. Better luck next time!