Do You Know These Basic Facts About Autumn?
Do You Know These Basic Facts About Autumn?
We all love it - but how much do we know about it?
We all love it - but how much do we know about it?

When does Fall almost always begin?
The first day of autumn is known as the autumnal __________
Which of the following is NOT an alternate name for "Halloween?"
What is another name for The Northern Lights spectacle that occurs in autumn?
A “Harvest Moon” is the _____ moon closest to the autumn equinox.
Which bird goes on an 11,000-mile migration in the fall?
True or false: People who live on the equator or central area of the planet never experience autumn.
In the Southern Hemisphere, autumn lasts the months of:
Autumnal depression is also known as...
Held in Germany annually during the Fall, when was the first Oktoberfest?
Which of the following holidays is NOT observed during autumn?
Similar to deciduous trees, evergreen trees lose their leaves in the fall.
What is the top turkey-producing state in America?
In which film does autumn represent the major loss a lead character feels after a love affair ends?
Every autumn, which species of butterfly migrates from the U.S. to Mexico and some parts of Southern California?