Which Bradley Cooper Character Would Be Your Husband?
Which Bradley Cooper Character Would Be Your Husband?
Will you end up with a world-renowned military expert... or a raccoon?
Will you end up with a world-renowned military expert... or a raccoon?

Which of these would you hop in first?
Which of these musicians would you make a dance to?
What is your relationship status?
Which actor would you most like to party with?
Which environment would you consider your niche?
Favorite or most appealing TV show?
Which adjective describes you best?
Chris Kyle (American Sniper)
Chris Kyle (American Sniper)
You like your men stoic and serious, as if they're always on a mission with life-or-death stakes. You consider a sense of humor to be somewhat extraneous, as jokes don't exactly equate to saving lives. However, be warned that liking this type of man may lead to you feeling isolated at times. Just make sure to keep up communication so the romance doesn't go cold!
Phil (The Hangover)
Phil (The Hangover)
You like your men to be craaaaaazyy partiers! Rather than settle for a straight-laced, uptight executive, you enjoy spending time with someone who takes full advantage of his free time. Unfortunately, this adventurous man can sometimes entangle you in outrageous shenanigans and sticky situations. Nevertheless, if you seek a rollercoaster ride of a relationship, you should climb aboard!
Pat (Silver Linings Playbook)
Pat (Silver Linings Playbook)
You like your men deep, complex, and possibly a little emotionally disturbed. If a guy is staring off into space and listening to a depressing soft rock ballad, you're instantly in love. However, be sure to remember that this man also has a temper, and that explosive arguments may erupt at any moment. At the end of the day, this three-dimensional man is better than those bland types who are unnaturally happy all the time, so he's still a good bet.
Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy)
You like your men hairy... or... furry? The everyday tall gentleman is overrated; you're more a fan of short creatures who are bursting with passion. Just know that this particular type of "man" can have a short temper, which can lead to you two getting into massive arguments over relatively small matters. At the end of the day, there's nothing like a little spice in the love stew, so if you don't mind conflict, this Bradley Cooper is the one!