Which David Bowie Character Is Your Eternal Valentine?
Which David Bowie Character Is Your Eternal Valentine?
Will you spend eternity with Ziggy, or party with the Goblin King?
Will you spend eternity with Ziggy, or party with the Goblin King?

What's your ABSOLUTE favorite quality in a romantic partner?
What movie genre would you most likely watch for a relaxing Valentine's evening?
Career of choice?
What personality flaw could you tolerate most in a partner?
Ideal place to go out for a date?
Ideal vacation getaway?
Favorite all-time band?
You love with the ferocity of a:
Dating preference?
Jareth the Goblin King
Jareth the Goblin King
You are attracted to people who may seem a bit antagonistic at first. As your conflict continues, you both eventually realize you're only fighting because you truly care about one another. Even if this one might be a bit intimidating at first, don't be afraid to show 'em what you're made of!
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
You are attracted to people with great ambitions, who may be exceptionally skilled at things such as playing guitar. However, these types may also be swayed by certain temptations - some which make them less sober - which may make their journey a bit tougher. But just as this one's going to need your help, you know you'll be able to depend on them, too.
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
You are into those whose tastes and sensibilities may feel somewhat ALIEN to most. That only shows how open-minded you are, as you're comfortable with a vast array of personality quirks. Overall, you're a fan of adventure in life, and you have a thing for mysterious personalities.
FBI Agent Phillip Jeffries
FBI Agent Phillip Jeffries
You are into those with mostly unexplained backstories. This type may also make a lot of references that you don't always understand, but that only gives you motivation to get to know them more. This romantic target may be a bit of a workaholic, but after logging long hours on the job, they still come home to give you a nice kiss.
Thin White Duke
Thin White Duke
You are likely a fan of healthy diets, and you're definitely not one to binge on fast food. This romantic target of yours may not fit into a strict gender stereotype, and they deserve even more credit for not being afraid to be different. Overall, you're a down-to-earth, open-minded soul looking for someone who's proud of their true identity.
Major Tom
Major Tom
You are a patient soul, as you're fine with your loved ones spending a long chunk of time away from you. It's very respectable that you give those you care about the chance to pursue important missions, but you should make sure you have enough going on that you won't be sad when you're not with them. You are as brave as this new person you're dating, and hopefully you'll find this relationship rewarding!