Which Smoking Apparatus Are You?
Which Smoking Apparatus Are You?
Do you hit your friends hard, or do you provide a smooth, low-key buzz?
Do you hit your friends hard, or do you provide a smooth, low-key buzz?

How thrifty are you?
Rap artist of choice?
How ya livin'?
Opinions on food?
Best remedy for cotton mouth?
When you hit the theater, what's your ideal type of stoner flick?
Do you work out regularly, or regard it as more of a buzzkill?
Favorite vehicle to hotbox?
You come on heavy, and you can definitely hit people pretty hard (emotionally). You don't have a squeaky-clean lifestyle, but what's life without a hint of tobacco to accompany the ganja? While you may not be entirely clear-headed, you are always reliable for having a chill time among friends. Just make sure you keep up with work and being productive overall, and you'll come out alright.
POW! That's the sound you make when you enter someone's life, as your presence has the same large impact of smoke from a gigantic glass structure. You are physically strong, with a tendency to knock people out if they aren't careful. If people around you tread gently, you go easy on them, because they're cordial and deserve a good time. Just don't keep your friends locked on the couch -- let them explore the world sometimes!
Pen Vape!
Pen Vape!
You may be small in stature, but you are still bursting with potential. You are a fairly discreet individual, making it possible to enjoy activities in a public setting. However, your effects on others might be underwhelming at times, with the "high" feeling you give them soon melting into oblivion. At the same time, you are adept at transportation and rarely leave friends feel burnt out, so you are always a great person to have around.
Heavy-Duty Volcano Vaporizer!
Heavy-Duty Volcano Vaporizer!
You are one of a kind, and a god among men (or women). In many ways, you are the optimal person to be around -- you provide your friends with long-lasting entertainment, and they don't suffer too much withdrawal after leaving your place. You may have a taste for the finer, more expensive things in life, but there's nothing wrong with preferring higher-quality items. Just try to be more open-minded accepting people who prefer less refined methods of smoking, and you'll get along with everyone.