Which Zac Efron Would Be Your Husband?
Which Zac Efron Would Be Your Husband?
No matter which one you get, they'll still be incredibly attractive!
No matter which one you get, they'll still be incredibly attractive!

Favorite store for picking up new clothes?
Do you value a good education?
Ideal professional to date?
Most important characteristic in someone you date?
Ideal restaurant for a first date?
Favorite musician to listen to on a date?
What are you looking for in a relationship?
Favorite TV show to cuddle to?
Teddy Sanders from "Neighbors"
Teddy Sanders from "Neighbors"
You want your husband to be the ultimate bro. Just be warned that he prefers to party almost all the time, so if you're the type who enjoys napping, you'll always be telling him to keep it down! This Zac Efron may cause conflict with other people who live on your street, but that's why it's important he has someone as level-headed as yourself by his side. Just be prepared to handle his love for bad language!
Jason from "That Awkward Moment"
Jason from "That Awkward Moment"
This husband choice definitely has a good head on his shoulders, with a job to keep you both financially secure. At the same time, he might be someone who's more of a "multi-tasker," and who may struggle with remaining faithful to just one person. It's a pretty hefty price to pay, but if he promises to settle down eventually, maybe that should be enough to build your love on!
Troy Bolton from "High School Musical"
Troy Bolton from "High School Musical"
You like your husband... not quite legal yet? No worries; maybe you're younger yourself or there's some loophole to make this work. This Zac Efron will lack maturity in a few aspects of his life, but at least he will be more endearing and innocent than the other suitors. If you're looking for a wholesome husband who keeps his language G-rated, this one's your man!
Cole from "We Are Your Friends"
Cole from "We Are Your Friends"
This type of Zac Efron has a more obscure personality, almost as if most people who see movies in theaters are unfamiliar with him. It's only because he's a hipster who isn't content to just "go with the flow"... he's more of a creative pioneer, brave enough to forge new frontiers. While this husband may have a somewhat disorganized lifestyle initially, just be patient, and he'll get his act together in time!