Which '90s Wrestling Icon Are You?
Which '90s Wrestling Icon Are You?
The 1990s brought the most intense competition the sport's ever seen. So which larger-than-life in-ring persona are you?
The 1990s brought the most intense competition the sport's ever seen. So which larger-than-life in-ring persona are you?
Which was your favorite kind of match?
Pick an entrance song
How do you rate your public-speaking skills?
Which of these personas did you hate most?
What would be your plan of attack if you booked a title shot?
Pick an in-ring hairstyle.
Pick a movie.
With whom would you walk to the ring?
Which of these sounds like the most fun on a Monday night?
Select a color
How would you assess your athletic ability?
You're Sting. You're enigmatic and would prefer to reside alone. But you don't let silence be confused with weakness; you're prepared to strike at any moment. You're not tied down to one hairstyle and would not be limited to the confines of mainstream music or ordinary matches. And you really don't like Hollywood Hogan.
Hollywood Hogan
Hollywood Hogan
You are "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan. You do not care how you get things done, but they get done. And others often envy your success. You like having an entourage around, but that must include a bodyguard with a black bandana ready. Yeah, you occasionally come off as arrogant, and you appreciate a good temper tantrum. But you know no one can hang with you in the gym, and you let them hear about it!
Steve Austin
Steve Austin
You are "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. If you could, you'd stick it to your boss every night of the week. You do not need fancy clothes or tremendous athleticism to be a bad S.O.B. Sometimes people interrupt your interviews, but that's only because they worship your no-nonsense style. And you have no problem rolling with denim.
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
You're "The Heartbreak Kid", Shawn Michaels. No one can match your combination of quickness and ability, even if going all out in the weight room is not your thing. Yeah, you can be loud and abrasive, and your respect for authority is sketchy at best. Your long, golden locks are a source of jealousy, and you prefer your music with an edge to it.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper
You are "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. No one can match the ferocity you can generate on a microphone or just telling riveting stories to your buddies. No, your athleticism isn't otherworldly, but you make up for it with guile and grit. Yeah, a kilt is required, but you chew bubblegum and kick ass anyway.
The Rock
The Rock
You are Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. When you're not captivating people with your superhuman dialogue, you're thinking about how much your peers envy you. You like action movies, tag team matches, and your penchant for agile maneuvers is nearly unparalleled. You have to put up with occasional nonsense from a guy with a sock puppet, though.