Which Of The 3 Types Of Happiness Are You?
Which Of The 3 Types Of Happiness Are You?
You can only fit into ONE of the three types of happiness. Which is it?
You can only fit into ONE of the three types of happiness. Which is it?

Eating great food makes me happy.
I exercise regularly.
I often do kind things for others.
I actively keep in touch with friends and family.
I feel comfortable sharing my feelings with people close to me.
I engage in activities that I find challenging and fulfilling.
I am able to focus on the present moment and do not get distracted by thoughts of the past or future.
My relationships are very important to me.
I participate in a spiritual, mindfulness, or religious community.
Having a lot of money makes me happy.
I know what my strengths and virtues are and I use them creatively to improve the quality of my life.
I feel that my life is meaningful.
According to Positive Psychologist, Martin Seligman, there are three paths to reaching authentic happiness. At the moment, you are the "pleasant life" stage. This means you are focused on having as many pleasures as possible in life, and having the skills to amplify those pleasures. Your happiness is primarily sought through the use of the senses: good food, fine wine, shopping, time off with friends, vacations, cars, and houses. You are probably relatively young and living a fairly impetuous life. You are driven by passion, instinct, and experience.
This type of happiness is great but it is also short-lived. You might feel happiness in the moment but then after you have left the gig or party you're right back to where you started. You're always looking for the next pleasure-hit, living your best, most hedonistic life.
According to Positive Psychologist, Martin Seligman, there are three paths to reaching authentic happiness. At the moment, you are at the engaged level, also known as the "good life." The good life involves a balanced focus on the three main areas of life: work, play, love. Your social life, love life, and career are all very important to you. You find happiness when you are exploring your passions. To you, happiness comes from the knowledge that you are working hard on something you care about. You're known for always having projects or all-consuming passions which give you the simplest, purest form of happiness - the satisfaction of pursuing something you love.
According to Positive Psychologist, Martin Seligman, there are three paths to reaching authentic happiness. At the moment, you are at the highest level of happiness. You truly believe that your life has meaning. Reaching the "meaningful life" means you strive to do good and act morally. Happiness comes from feeling fulfilled and living for a purpose greater than yourself. You tend to be very optimistic and virtuous. You value wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, forgiveness, and mindfulness. This is the strongest form of happiness, and it lasts the longest!