Which Cartoon Lady's Man Should Be Your Husband?
Which Cartoon Lady's Man Should Be Your Husband?
Find out which classic cartoon lady's man best suits you!
Find out which classic cartoon lady's man best suits you!
![Sully Manson](http://static.ex.co/cdn/content/images/default_user_small.png)
Who's your favorite out of these four?
An ideal meal?
You'd probably find a man at:
What is your worst fear?
How often do you work out?
Favorite comedian?
Would you consider yourself mature?
Car of choice?
Which adjective best describes you?
Favorite past TV series?
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo
You have a confidence that can’t be shaken, lady - and that makes you the one for ol' Johnny Bravo! He may be a bit much, but your search for a good lookin' man with a heart and hair of gold just ended! You both may seem a bit into yourselves at times - but those who confuse confidence with arrogance aren't worth your time! You’re not conceited – you just have a warm aura about you that you want to share with everyone, right!? Right. Now get to that love makin, sweet mamma!
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire
Giggidy giggidy! You are quite the excitable person, in several senses of the word - making ol' Glenn perfect for you. You are the exact opposite of shy, boldly approaching your romantic targets without even the slightest hesitation. While your daring style may get you turned down on occasion - that is merely a speedbump on the path to success ala Quagmire!
You are a leader and a mentor yourself, making the charming yet shy Pokemon trainer Brock the perfect fit for you! You have proven skilled at balancing your romantic pursuits and Pokemon training, but at the end of the day, you can’t help the passion burning inside you. You are a multitalented and loyal friend to your comrades and to whomever you're dating, which makes you the ideal suitor for a catch (see what we did there) like Brock!
You are filled with soul, baby, and you exhibit a laid-back atmosphere that envelops everyone around you - making CHEF the man for you! Even if you just don't feel like looking your best on some days, Chef's the kinda guy who will still tell you you're beautiful. You are definitely proud of your escapades - which is ok by Chef. Life is too short, right?