Which Classic DeNiro Character Are You?
Which Classic DeNiro Character Are You?
Are you more of a mobster or a quirky comedian?
Are you more of a mobster or a quirky comedian?

How do you deal with people bothering you?
Career of choice?
If you had one weakness, what would it be?
Which comedian best reflects your view on life?
Favorite music while taking care of business?
Ideal place to spend time?
Biggest fear?
Favorite Looney Tunes character?
Beverage of choice?
Which movie genre would you fit into most?
Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle
While you may not be physically intimidating, you have an edginess about you that shows you’re not one to mess with. You enjoy clarifying with people if they’re definitely talkin’ to you, because if they say anything disrespectful, you have good reason to knock them out! Above everything else, you are a hero, sticking up for those who cannot always defend themselves. Despite your rough-around-the-edges attitude, more people should aspire to be like you.
James Conway
James Conway
You are a serious person, especially when it comes to dealing with business and troublemakers. Your friends may get pretty rowdy when confronting their rivals, but you’re one of the more level-headed ones in a group. It’s important that you continue to set an example by making rational decisions, while also not letting people get away with offending you, even if they do so by accident.
Jack Byrnes
Jack Byrnes
You are a family man... which is exactly why you’re not a fan of people who intrude on your domain. You likely have a past that taught you some cool techniques for dealing with those who threaten your status as the alpha of your group. Going forward, remember that not everyone’s out to get you, and you can get along with anyone as long as you put in the effort.
Rupert Pupkin
Rupert Pupkin
You may not have been the coolest person growing up, but you've always believed in yourself and your talents, which is definitely a good thing. Some may find your sense of humor to be a bit odd, but that's mostly because you're ahead of your time. Going forward, try to be more of a listener and gauge peoples' comfort levels before unleashing your comedic rants, and you might find yourself making more friends.