Which UCLA dorm should you really have been in?
Which UCLA dorm should you really have been in?
You don't deserve Hedrick
You don't deserve Hedrick
Where is your favorite place on campus?
Pick a pair of shoes.
Where is your favorite dining destination?
What kind of major are you?
Pick a secret pet to keep in your dorm.
Sunset Village
Sunset Village
Let's just hope you don't get stuck at Courtside, without water.
Sproul Hall
Sproul Hall
Convenient for those BCaf smoothie binges.
Sproul Cove/Landing
Sproul Cove/Landing
You've mastered a fine balance of class and ass. There may be community bathrooms, but at least you have AC.
Rieber Hall
Rieber Hall
I know you're not as far as Hedrick, but don't kid yourself. Your food options are Feast and Rende.
Rieber Terrace/Vista
Rieber Terrace/Vista
Average. I bet your GPA is 3.6, isn't it?
Hedrick Hall
Hedrick Hall
CONGRATS !!! YOU *** ARE ??? THICC ###
Hedrick Summit
Hedrick Summit
Okay, maybe you do deserve Hedrick.
De Neve
De Neve
"The freshman 15 is real, you guys."