Can You Pass Middle Earth 101?
Can You Pass Middle Earth 101?
Mae Govannen!
Mae Govannen!

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The Dark Lord Sauron was defeated by the Last Alliance at the end of which Age?
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In which forest does King Thranduil's people live?
What is another name of Gandalf's?
In Fellowship, how much time passed before Gandalf came back to Hobbiton after Bilbo's party?
TRUE or FALSE: Gollum did not always go by "Gollum."
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Wow! You Can Definitely Pass!
Wow! You Can Definitely Pass!
You Can Definitely Pass Middle Earth 101! According to your answers, you are well-versed in the world of Middle Earth. There are tales as old as the world itself, many of which can be found amongst the ruins of the world, but only a few can become true masters of lore. You are one of these people. You have studied the scrolls, have had long discussions with great minds and carry the wisdom of your endeavors with you. Middle Earth if full strange and wonderful creatures, when you happen upon something new, it is a wonder to you indeed!
You Can Pass!
You Can Pass!
You Can Pass Middle Earth 101! According to our team of experts, you are well-versed in the long history of Arda and Middle Earth. The long lives of the Elves are something you study with a ferocity that only the animals of the wild can match. You are learned in the histories of men and dwarves and have even studied the creatures of the wild. Because of your studies, this course will be a breeze for you, for you have gathered more than enough knowledge to become an authority in the field of Middle Earth studies. You could give Gandalf a run for his money!
You.... Just Might Pass!
You.... Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass Middle Earth 101! According to your answers, you have done much of the leg-work needed to become knowledgable about this fantastic world. The lore and histories of Middle Earth are vast and numerous. Time is a key ingredient in becoming wise in all things Middle Earth, so the early years can be very frustrating. However, with such a large world to explore it is easy to miss a few details here and there. So do not sweat a thing! Before you know it you will be an authority on the subject, one that even Gandalf will come and seek wisdom from.
Uh oh....
Uh oh....
You Actually Won't Pass Middle Earth 101! According to our team of experts, you have not gathered enough knowledge to pass this course. The lore and histories of Middle Earth and extensive and numerous. There is no way a field like this can be learned quickly. You will need lots of time to ponder all the names and deeds of the great people who have lived and fought the perils of Middle Earth. But don't fret! You have all the time in the world to pour over all the scrolls in the world. Before you know it you will be more than ready to pass this course!