Can You Pass Sid Meier’s Civilization 101?
Can You Pass Sid Meier’s Civilization 101?
Will you stand the test of time?
Will you stand the test of time?

What was the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt?
What empire constructed the The Hanging Gardens?
Which of these monarchs NEVER ruled a European country?
What is the largest empire known to history?
Which of these wonders is NOT one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
In which city was the Great Library built?
During which era were musket-men used on the battlefield?
When Constantinople was conquered, what was the city's name changed to?
What period of history featured Feudalism?
Which civilization is also known as the Golden Horde?
What was the great trade system between Rome and China known as?
Which group of people first discovered the New World?
Which Chinese dynasty finished the Great Wall of China?
You Will Definitely Pass!
You Will Definitely Pass!
You Will Definitely Pass Sid Meier's Civilization 101! According to your answers, you easily have enough knowledge to feel right at home in any Civ game. The world is at your fingertips. The wisdom and knowledge of thousands of years of tradition are yours to do with what you will. Will you lead your people through an era of peace, or war? Can your empire stand the test of time?
You Will Pass!
You Will Pass!
You Will Pass Sid Meier's Civilization 101! According to our team of experts, you have enough knowledge to pass any course on this classic game. The world is full of chaos and danger. It is up to you to lead your people through the ages. War, peace, famine, plague; all of these obstacles must be overcome if your empire is to stand the test of time!
You Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass Sid Meier's Civilization 101! According to your answers, you just might be able to make your civilization a success! The best way to avoid the mistakes of the past, is to know the past itself. You are on the cusp of realizing your potential as a great and wise leader. You need only learn when to apply your knowledge and how to gain more. Can your empire stand the test of time?
You Actually Won't Pass!
You Actually Won't Pass!
You Actually Won't Pass Sid Meier's Civilization 101! According to our team of experts, you don't yet have the skills to lead your civilization! Knowing the mistakes of the past is paramount to understanding the present. As you are, you just do not have enough wisdom to navigate the perils of famine, war, and plague. If you work hard and learn as much as you can, you can indeed lead your civilization. It just might stand the test of time!