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Is Your Brain More Hillary Clinton Or Bernie Sanders?

Do You Feel The Bern Or Hit Up Hilldog?

Created by Samwise
On Mar 29, 2017

You Are 68% Bernie And 42% Hillary!

You Are 68% Bernie And 42% Hillary!

You Are 68% Bernie Sanders And 42% Hillary Clinton! According to your answers, you take a middling stance between these two democratic frontrunners, but ultimately, you fall in line with a mind like Senator Sanders'. You champion the cry of not only neo-liberalism, but of social democracy. You hold in high the regard the domestic and economic policies of countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Germany, who show some of the highest standards of living as well as very low economic inequality. While you, perhaps, believe that the private sector should be left alone, you could never tolerate a market without any oversight at all.

You Are 91% Hillary and 9% Bernie

You Are 91% Hillary and 9% Bernie

You Are 91% Hillary Clinton and 9% Bernie Sanders! According to our team of experts, you are definitively more in the mindset of HillDog. You believe strongly that free trade should be protected for the sake of prosperity; however, sometimes government intervention is necessary, but only in the most dire circumstances. You think it's time the United States joins the rest of the world and finally have a woman as a head of state. You also believe that we should remain strong in our foreign efforts and lead the world in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

You Are 53% Hillary and 47% Bernie!

You Are 53% Hillary and 47% Bernie!

You Are 53% Hillary Clinton and 47% Bernie Sanders! According to your answers, you are a more middling divide between these two presidential candidates. The herald of neo-liberalism is held high in your esteem; however, you favor a more incremental and business-savvy approach, which hopefully allows for the prosperity of the private sector. In a world where business has a say, you believe it's important to have someone who knows those waters from the inside at the helm as a balance to the progressive trend that is clearly the path of the future.

You Are 83% Bernie and 17% Hillary!

You Are 83% Bernie and 17% Hillary!

You Are 83% Bernie Sanders and 17% Hillary Clinton! According to our team of experts, you are very clearly in the mindset of Senator Sanders. To put it frankly, you "Feel The Bern." You feel very strongly that the government has become a playground for corporations and the ultra wealthy, and only a grassroots political revolution will take the United States government back for the people. You believe in conviction, that one should always keep true to their heart and say what they think is right, rather than what is easy. Principles are sometimes more important than profit.

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