Which Famous Battle Did You Fight In During A Past Life?
Which Famous Battle Did You Fight In During A Past Life?
"There may come a day when the strength of men fails, but it is not this day!" --Aragon, King of Gondor
"There may come a day when the strength of men fails, but it is not this day!" --Aragon, King of Gondor

The Battle Of Waterloo
The Battle Of Waterloo
You Fought In The Battle Of Waterloo In A Past Life! According to your answers, you fought in this famous historical battle! It was June 18, 1815, and Napoleon's forces were leading the day after his triumphant return from exile on the island of Elba. The following is what historians called the Hundred Days. It was the Battle Of Waterloo, that defined not just your past life, but the entire history of the world. You know this to be true, you can smell the gunpowder and the smell of the canons and artillery as the field lay muddy and bloody.
The Battle Of Saratoga
The Battle Of Saratoga
You Fought In The Battle Of Saratoga In A Past Life! According to our team of experts, this is the pivotal and famous battle you were once a part of. An integral battle in the American War for Independence, you fought on the side of the Revolutionaries, under the leadership of Benedict Arnold. You fought bravely by his side, before he himself was forced into betrayal and treason. Something you never took lightly. However that day on the battlefield in October of 1777 has been carved in your memory as a day of valor and glory.
The Battle Of Hastings
The Battle Of Hastings
You fought in the Battle Of Hastings In A Past Life! According to your answers, you fought in this pivotal battle in history. In 1066 the victory of William Duke of Normandy spelled the end of English Kingship, changing the course of human history forever. That day in 1066 single handedly shaped Europe from then on. The smell of blood and the sound of shattered steel and wood are etched into your mind as you fought. Only you can know your true role in this battle, for all you know, you were the very key to victory.
The Battle Of Tours
The Battle Of Tours
You Fought In The Battle Of Tours In A Past Life! According to our team of experts, you fought this infamous battle. This single battle literally made Europe as we know it today. On October 10 732 CE Islamic and Christian forces met in battle to determine the fate of Europe's spiritual future. Ultimately, Charles Martel won the day, but it is more than interesting to think what would happen in an Islamic Europe. The eighth century became a pivotal point in world history, and your experience on this battlefield has shaped your soul, providing lessons you are still learning in your current life.
The Battle Of Britain
The Battle Of Britain
You Fought In The Battle Of Britain In A Past Life! According to our team of experts, this is the famous battle you played a part in. This Battle was fought in the skies of the United Kingdom from June to August of 1940. At this point in the war, Britain was the only enemy openly at war with the Nazis after the Fall of France earlier that year. Each night carried new terrors as the Luftwaffe pounded Britain with their nightly raids. Ultimately, the British found the means of defending themselves and ended the blitz in a stunning victory.
The Battle Of Marathon
The Battle Of Marathon
You Fought In The Battle Of Marathon In A Past Life! According to our team of experts, this is the famous battle that you played a hand in. This battle was a pivotal point in the history of the world. In 490 BCE the Persian Empire sought to stomp out revolt in Ionia which was aided by the Greek City States. Thus, the Persian King Darius I sent an army to subjugate the Greeks, but their surprise was cut short as they met a defending force. Intelligence won the day and the Greeks defeated the Persians, sparking what we call the Golden Age Of Greece.