Which Justice League Member Would You Team Up With?
Which Justice League Member Would You Team Up With?
Wonder Woman? Aquaman? Get ready to suit up!
Wonder Woman? Aquaman? Get ready to suit up!

You Should Team Up Batman! According to your answers, the Dark Knight is the best teammate you could ask for. While you take care of all the intense super-powered tasks, you have your ace in the hole–the guy who thinks of everything and can solve a situation using his only his brains. This dynamic works well for you because you understand that it takes multiple strategies and strengths to be an effective team. This comes seriously in handy when a villain comes along who cannot be defeated by ordinary means!
You Would Team Up With Superman! According to our team of experts, the Man of Steel is the perfect partner for your crimefighting needs. You were always smart, perhaps even called a genius. To have a teammate who takes care of all the brawny stuff is a huge relief, because it gives your mind the space to be its best. Whether you are finding out a villain's weakness or planning escape from a trap, you can be sure that Superman can help enact any plan you might have, and have something to contribute to it as well!
You Would Team Up With Aquaman! According to your answers, the King of Atlantis is the best crimefighting partner you could have! You have incredible abilities, but none that allow you to harness 70% of the planet. With all your powers, you just can't think outside the box the way Aquaman can, and that's what makes him your perfect ally. Together you two have more than all the bases covered, you have the entire Earth covered!
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
You Would Team Up With Wonder Woman! According to our team of experts, Diana of Themyscira could not be a better fit for your crimefighting team! You two go together perfectly; she is the ying to your yang. You can rely on her to have your back in battle as well as join you at the planning stages. Like you, she achieves a balance between strength of mind and body that few can achieve, which makes the two of you an unstoppable force for justice!
You Would Team Up With Cyborg! According to your answers, Victor Stone is definitely the guy you want to check your six. An athlete until a fatal accident caused his rebirth as Cyborg; you can leave the heavy lifting–and lasering–to him while you figure out how to handle the current objective. You two have a connection that goes farther than teammates. You have a similar rhythm, a connection that gives you two an ability to problem-solve that is completely untouchable!
The Flash
The Flash
You Would Team Up With The Flash! According to our team of experts, Barry Allen is the perfect crimefighting partner for you. While the Flash can move faster than you can even think, it might not be totally obvious why you're even needed. But with such speed can also come blindspots, and it is your ability to think outside the box and act accordingly that makes you two the perfect crimefighting companions!