What's Your Supernatural Soul Creature?
What's Your Supernatural Soul Creature?
Which beast from beyond lurks inside YOU?
Which beast from beyond lurks inside YOU?

You Will Turn Into A Vampire! According to your answer, this ancient blood-sucking creature of the night is your future being! Beings of your sort have been around since ancient times; however, it wasn't until the Eighteenth Century when the word Vampire was actually in use. Possessing super strength, super speed, and a wit and beauty that can charm even the most resilient and willful mortal. May your victims beware!
You Will Turn Into A Werewolf! According to our team of experts, you will turn into this half-man half-wolf beast which stalks its prey. The idea of a werewolf came out of the middle ages. This beast is mindless; a man once bitten and transformed by the light of the full moon will maul his best-friend or brother without a second thought. Uncontrollable, the werewolf feeds on anyone who crosses their path once transformed.
You Will Turn Into A Zombie! According to your answers, the supernatural creature you are going to become is an undead corpse screaming for brains! Initially found in the folk traditions of Haiti. A zombie is a reanimated corpse whose soul has been torn from the body, usually by the means of magic and sorcery. Once a zombie, you cannot return to normal, as you are destined to ever walk the earth and do the bidding of the sorcerer who made you.
You Will Turn Into An Orc! According to our team of experts, the supernatural creature you will turn into is an Orc! Most popularly known thanks to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Orcs were once Elves, taken by the dark powers of Melkor; tortured, mutilated, and bred like animals to be subservient, violent, and brutish. Unlucky is the one who comes across your band of Orcs, for they will likely meet a most gruesome end!
You Will Become A Ghost! According to our team of experts, you will turn into a spirit, once alive, that walks the plane between the material and the beyond. Existing since time immemorial, ghosts have always been part of human culture. A spirit who cannot move on tends to have some kind of unfinished business left to accomplish. However, what that may be, and whether they even know they have passed on can be quite a mystery even to them!
You Will Become A Changeling! According to your answers, you will become this terrifying creature! These humanoid creatures can appear to look exactly like ordinary humans; it is only through their reflection that their true appearance and nature becomes known. Slimy and discolored skin, a round mouth filled with sharp teeth and hollow eyes, they have a very specific appetite for the synovial fluid found between the joints of humans and other animals.