What Dragonet Of destiny Are You?
What Dragonet Of destiny Are You?
Want to know what Dragonet Of Destiny You Are? Find out! ENJOY!!! :D
Want to know what Dragonet Of Destiny You Are? Find out! ENJOY!!! :D

What do people say your personality is?
Whats your fave color out of these?
What power do you want?
What do YOU think your personality is?
What is the motto that you would most likely say?
Where would you want to live?
What would you prefer to eat?
What word is the most exotic?
If your friends got attacked, what would you do?
Everyone thinks your Lazy but inside your really NOT! You hide your feelings, but always try and prove yourself!
Your brave, and will fight for the ones you love. You will always protect them, but the ones that know you well know that you have a big heart.
Your smart, and try to keep everyone safe. You are always eager to learn!
You are kind, and have a HUGE heart. You want to help everyone in need, and care a lot about the ones you love.
Your funny, and kind. You will always try to keep the "crew" together, and keep the ones you love, safe.