Things to look for before choosing an Octagonal Pole Manufacturer
Things to look for before choosing an Octagonal Pole Manufacturer

Things to look for before choosing an Octagonal Pole Manufacturer
Street light poles are the backbone of street lighting, and their usage extends from providing adequate lighting to the beautification of urban spaces. Modern octagonal poles are sleek, elegant and aesthetic. They provide a low maintenance, long life solutions for street-lighting applications. Octagonal Poles are made with continuously tapered octagonal cross section (can be customized for other sided also) having one or more section. On top, it has a bracket to mount the luminary. These types of poles are used for Highway and Street Light, Hotel Entrance, Petrol Pump, Shopping Mall Entrance etc.
Before investing in Octagonal street lighting poles, choose a manufacturer which not only manufactures octagonal poles but also, other types of street lighting poles, like swaged poles, tubular poles and also highmasts. They have a detailed knowledge of the product and also they use highly automated machines for the quality and accuracy of the products.
Along with the umbrella of products, one must keep in mind a couple of things which must be included in the manufacturing process of the octagonal poles.
- The products must conform to international standards and guarantee the quality of the materials used,
- They must have an in-house design capacity in order to provide a strong, durable and aesthetically appealing product.
- They must procure the highest quality raw materials from the largest producers like SAIL, HZL, etc.
- They must have a modern Automatic Infrastructure for better shape, as shape is one the most important aspect in order to make the product stand tall against heavy winds. Not only that the shape of the products gives it an aesthetically appealing finish.
- They must follow 7 Step cleaning or galvanising for durability and ensuring minimum design life of 25 years.
- They must use automatic CNC operated machines for production in order to ensure highest accuracy levels.
- They must have in-house 7-tank galvanising process for better adhesion and uniformity of zinc coating.
- They must provide anti-theft Hinged poles for better security and future upgradation and maintenance.
- Welding must be done by automatic SAW process ensure uniform and proper welding strength.
- They must have a huge production capacity in order to fulfill your demand on time.
Modern design and an amalgamation of sleek, elegant, and aesthetic design. Octagonal Poles require minimal maintenance and are an ideal choice for urban beautification project. Although if the quality of the product is not maintained, it might require maintenance more than that of traditional concrete street light poles. The product versatility should allow architects, engineers and design professionals to use them for a wide range of commercial, residential, municipal and industrial applications. The durability and strength of the product, along with its lightweight, maintenance-free construction must ensure minimum installation time and lower shipping cost. Each phase of design, fabrication, finishing and delivery is planned and seamlessly carried out to ensure highest quality products.