7 Things You Should Avoid Doing On a Job Interview
7 Things You Should Avoid Doing On a Job Interview
Do you get too stressed before taking a job interview? read it first.
Do you get too stressed before taking a job interview? read it first.

Looking for a job might be complicated and you don't have to be afraid of it! It will take time, maybe, but we are giving you here some extra cool tips of things you should not do in a job interview for you to be prepared, relaxed, and more confident about this.
Don't arrive either too early, or too late
Unpunctuality is something really delicate in a job interview. You don't wanna arrive more than 10 minutes early. Not only because you might start getting afraid as long as the minutes passed, but because it might leave some strange impression on you. Of course, we're not gonna talk about arriving late because that could leave a terrible impression on you. Imagine you're meeting with friends and your best friend arrives 15 minutes later leaving you there waiting, bored, without knowing what to do. Well, now imagine your future boss...!
Turn off your phone
This is EXTREMELY important! Leaving your phone on or with the sound on while you're there might be a little bit disrespectful. Your interviewer might think you're not focused enough, or maybe not even interested in the interview. Besides, it's kinda annoying, right? Please, turn it off.
Do not take the initiative in the talk
Let your interviewer guide the conversation at their convenience, otherwise, it might seem a little rude from your side. If you're too afraid of what they might ask, just be yourself and you could even prepare some general answers in order to get some practice. For example, you can prepare some answers related to your job experience or to some skills you have. The key is to don't panic!
Which of these hobbies is your favorite?
What's your favorite subject at school?
What's your favorite subject at school?
What's your favorite color?
How do you like to be dressed?
If you could only make a wish, what would it be?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
It's clear you'd love to work in something related to arts: maybe some plastic arts job, or you wanna be an actor... The point is that you have a strong need to express yourself and you gotta do it!
You're a logical, rational person who loves maths, calculus and be involved with data, numbers, and empiric facts. A Job in science might the best for you!
You're too empathic, you're too thoughtful and you care about the others! Some job in humanities like sociology, philosophy, education might be the best for you!
Do not show yourself insecure
Shake hands and introduce yourself with confidence. Look at your interviewer's eyes, smile, show yourself relaxed and comfortable in order to look confident and sure about what you're saying. Of course, you don't wanna look TOO confident either. What if you end up looking a little haughty? Take everything with patience and you'll rock!
Don't show up with a bad appearance
Be precautious about the outfit rules in that company. You should bear in mind the company, the position you're applying for. Also, you could choose some neutral clothes and colors that might be okay for any circumstance. Take note about this: less is always more.
Don't show up without doing some research about the company
This is very important! You're in a job interview and the recruiter asks you what do you like the most about the company you wanna get into, or why are you so interested to work in a company like that, and you're suddenly lost in your answer. Well, that should not happen ever. Before arriving, google some information about it! Where it's located, how many employees does it have, what's the company best at, the values, etc. Here, the more, the better!
Don't lie about yourself
Sincerity is always the best. Imagine you say you're excellent at Chinese, and you get into that job! The first day at the office, and you have to speak Chinese AND YOU CAN'T! Well, of course, I'm overreacting to the example, but the point is you should be who you are, present yourself with your true skills and abilities, and show passion, enthusiasm about the things you truly love and, above all things, show much of willing to learn. Attitude, love, charisma, and naturality could beat the most qualified guy ever
You should be who you are, present yourself with your true skills and abilities, and show passion, enthusiasm about the things you truly love and, above all things, show much of willing to learn"
Be who you are, be ready, don't panic and we're super sure you'll rock at your next job interview. We know it might be a little hard sometimes, that you might be a little too scared about this, but remember that looking for a job it's also a job and it requires time and practice! GOOD LUCK!