All About Minions: How Much Do YOU Speak Minionese?

BANANA! emoji

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Jul 18, 2022
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We're pretty sure you're as in love with the Minions as we are. It's impossible not to love these strange, cute and hilarious yellow creatures that The Minions are.

Bob, Kevin and Stuart are back with a new 'The Minions' movie that promises to be all the love and joy you deserve. You'll laugh with their clumsiness, with their faces, and... with their language?

Yes, it's true!!! Because the Minions have their very own language: the minionese. This is why we challenge you to guess what do these minionese words mean in english. Are you ready?

1 / 11

'Bapple' is the minionese word for...

2 / 11

'Papōy' is the minionese word for...

3 / 11

'Matoka' is the minionese word for...

4 / 11

BANANA is the minionese word for...

5 / 11

'päpagéna' is the minionese word for...

6 / 11

'Blúmok' is the minionese word for...

7 / 11

' poopaye ' is the minionese word for...

8 / 11

'Ikot tara' is the minionese word for...

9 / 11

'Kampai' is the minionese word for...

10 / 11

' terima kasih' is the minionese word for...

11 / 11

'Woof-woof' is the minionese word for...

Questions left

Who's your favorite Minion?

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