Battle of The ANIME: Vote For Your Favs Now!
Battle of The ANIME: Vote For Your Favs Now!
If you love anime, this is YOUR time!
If you love anime, this is YOUR time!
We watched anime as kids, as adults and we'll continue watching anime forever and ever, right? There are so many brilliant titles around anime that have been a huge part of our lives that we can't even list them all.... or can we?
What better way to honor "National Anime Day" than picking our favs? And what if we truly defend our favorite anime in a battle of anime? It's time to pick your favs, to defend the best stories, the best animations, and the best characters because this is... the ultimate anime championship. Time to VOTE!
VOTE: Which of these ANIME do you prefer?
VOTE: Which of these ANIME do you prefer?
VOTE: Which of these do you prefer?
VOTE: Which of these do you prefer?
VOTE: Choose your favorite anime!
VOTE: Choose your favorite anime!
VOTE: Choose your fav!
VOTE: Choose your fav!
VOTE: Which one of these is better?
VOTE: Which one of these is better?
VOTE: Can you choose between these ones?
VOTE: Can you choose between these ones?
VOTE: Which is your fav?
VOTE: Which is your fav?
VOTE: Which is your favorite anime?
VOTE: Which is your favorite anime?
VOTE: Pick your fav!
VOTE: Pick your fav!
LAST VOTE! Choose your favorite anime!
LAST VOTE! Choose your favorite anime!