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Coming Out? Here are 5 Tips to Stay Cool, Calm & Collected

Love is love.

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Apr 20, 2024
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We know that when coming out, feeling nervous and on-edge is common. Even though we live in a largely free and modern world where (luckily) people tend to be more open and chill regarding sexual orientation, there's always fear and misconceptions flying around. If you're part of the LGBTQ+ community, you've been in this situation for sure. Don't worry: We're all in this together. And as an inclusive society, we're here to give you advance on how to feel better when coming out. Check out our advice below.

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Don't feel forced to come out

Why does nobody ask straight people to 'come out of the closet'? It makes no sense that LGBTQ+ people feel 'forced' to do something straight people just don't do. Heterosexuality is still SO normative that being something other than that is a signal of difference. This results in LGBTQ+ people feeling that they have to say something. But relax! If you don't feel like doing it or feel it's unnecessary, if you don't want to do it, DON'T! Live your life, express love in the way you want to do it, and be happy. Nobody can force you to do anything... And they can just learn about you casually along the way.


Be confident

Have you already come out?

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If you've decided that you want to come out, take a deep breath and relax. You're already completely sure of who you are, what you want and that's the most important thing. So say what you want, be confident, and everything will go how it has to be. We understand your valid concerns regarding the potential of negative reactions, however you've gotta feel happy you're doing what you want and expressing who you are.


Think about all possible scenarios & how you'll react

Do you have any friends or relatives from the LGBTQ+ community that have had a rough time when coming out?

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We know that you feel the worst thing can happen is coming out, expressing who you are and then receiving negative reactions. We strongly encourage you to keep your feet on the ground and hold yourself tight against any hate. It doesn't matter what anyone has to say about your form of love: It's your moment, it's your life and nothing else matters. If you receive a reaction you weren't hoping for, keep your calm and express that this is you and nothing will change that. Hopefully, they'll choose to accept you versus lose you.


Surround yourself with people who love you

Find the light in the darkness. When everything seems broken or dark, there are people there who will be rooting for you and supporting you no matter what. They're here to listen to you, to encourage you to be yourself, and will hug you and stand for you in your worst times. They love you.

In good or bad times, remember that being who you are is the best you can do. Life will take charge of discarding people from your life who are not worthy.


Be the real you!

Once you've come out of the closet, it's high time for you to -really- start living your life. Hang out with the best people for your mental health, find a group of LGBTQ+ people who could be there for you at any time, hang out, go to clubs, and HAVE FUN. Life is too short for you to feel sorry about who you are. Enjoy life, it's yours!

Are you proud of who you are?

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