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Draco Malfoy or Harry Potter: Who Reflects Your Soul The Most?

Do you have Gryffindor or Slytherin vibes?

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Apr 10, 2024
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Whether you like Harry Potter or not, everyone can relate to these questions: which of the Hogwarts houses do I belong to? Which character reflects my soul the most? And... here we are to answer this question! We all have wondered if we are more like the honorable and brave Harry Potter or the evil but gracious Draco Malfoy. Now it's time to find the amazing truth. Are you Harry or Draco? Let's see! emojiemoji

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Which of the Harry Potter books is your fav?

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How often do you argue with people?

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Which of these words describes you better?

Last question! Which of these seasons is your fav?

You are Harry Potter!

You are Harry Potter!

Humble, quiet, reserved, and funny: you are like Harry! You appreciate your friends more than anything, but keeping so many things to yourself sometimes causes you to distance yourself from them. Don't be afraid to share what's upsetting you with others; even the best warriors have problems!

You are Draco Malfoy!

You are Draco Malfoy!

A bit grumpy, ironic, narcissistic but brave and fighter deep down: you are like Draco Malfoy! Even though you may have been scared in different situations at times, you have always been able to overcome them, making you a powerful person. We love Draco!

Which Hogwarts house do you prefer?

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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