Open 2022 With Some Panic. The Ultimate Horror Movies Checklist
Open 2022 With Some Panic. The Ultimate Horror Movies Checklist
Time to Scream.
Time to Scream.

Horror movies are not for everyone. We've got those people who spend the whole movie with their eyes covered, always about to faint, always willing to jump and scream because everything scares them; but we've also got those ones who love the stamina that a good, spooky, and frightening horror movie produces on them. Of course, I'm one of those
So, alongside history, we've got really good horror movies and directors (James Wan, Sam Raimi, Alfred Hitchcock, etc) but we've also got some ones that...well, let's say they're not the reason why we are here today, okay? This is why I made this 10 point list of amazing spooky movies for you to watch if you really like horror movies. Yes, we've had enough with all those Christmas movies, right?
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If you really wanna feel submerging into a chaotic and terrifying story, [REC] is THAT movie. Here we've got Angela Vidal's story, a young local tv reporter who's got to interview some firemen in Barcelona who are helping an old woman. Suddenly, a dangerous virus appears on the scene turning every host into a bloodthirsty animal who's running all over the old woman building.
We've got a story recorded with the classic "fake documentary" style which makes us feel inside the story giving us an excellent result: best Spanish horror movie.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Directed by Tobe Hooper, an unknown cinema director until then, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre takes place in the deepest of Texas city when five teenagers visit one of their grandparent's graveyards. What happens next is a story plagued with blood, savagery, and cannibalism. This film was the predecessor for plenty of other movies such as Scream, Halloween, Friday 13th by installing the "slasher" horror subgenre.
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Cabin in the Woods
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I'm so tempted to tell you some spoilers about Cabin In The Wood but...I really can't, so I might be careful. For the plot side, we've got nothing extraordinary to say: a group of friends is haunted by some kind of creature while they're staying..., yeah, in a cabin in the woods. You might be wondering, then, what's so special about this movie. Well, we might have a lot of slasher cliches, but there are plenty (yes, plenty) of intriguing questions, curious moments that make our minds blown away. You MUST see it.
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A Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy Krueger is, by far, one of the scariest creatures in cinema history. Yes, none of us could sleep properly after watching this movie, because the idea of this man appearing in our dreams willing to kill us is...ugh, I'm shivering. Haven't you ever seen this classic masterpiece? Then you MUST!
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How would you ideally spend your weekend?
What do you prefer for a lunch?
What's your favorite season?
In which of these places would you like to live?
What's your deepest feat?
A bloody villain with a lunatic face. Be aware if he appears in your dreams today!
Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger
Don't panic! He is not real, but I wouldn't like dreaming of him today.
If today Jason appears in your dream, YOU BETTER RUN!
Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers
OMG, if you hear Jeepers Creepers song, even though it's in your dreams, RUN AWAY!
The Shining
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Redrum, Shelley Duvall horrified faces, the twins in that huge hall, Jack Nicholson performance throughout the whole movie...THIS IS A MIND-BLOWING PIECE OF ART! Stanley Kubric takes this Stephen King novel to the next level making it one of the most acclaimed horror movies of all time while telling us the story of a mad man, the story of the good vs the bad... Okay, now I gotta watch it (again).
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Rosemary's Baby
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By the 60s, there were few movies so controversial and famous as Rosemary's Baby which tells us the story of a new yorker couple who decided to live in front of Central Park. What they don't know is that some kind of curse seems to lie in it. When the wife, Rosemary, happened to be pregnant, strangers things begin to happen. But, the worst part of it, its the legend behind the movie: one year after its premiere, the director's wife was murdered in her house making everyone relate the movie with this horrifying thing.
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The Exorcis
This William Blatty book adaptation it's one of the most amazing horror movies in history. Here we found Regan, a twelve years old child who is a victim of some paranormal phenomena and ended up being exorcised by a priest in a remarkable scene you'll probably remember. The movie ended up winning two Oscars and gaining too many legends and creepy stories around the set, the actors, and everyone involved. Spooky as hell!
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This 80s classic directed by Steven Spielberg took inspiration from plenty of our childhood fears and made a creepy story that we all still remember. The little Carol-Anne, that horrible TV, the "They're here!" line. Please, call my mother, I'm starting to freak out!
Fun fact: rumors has it a priest was called during shooting to sanctify the whole set every day.
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Have you watched it?
The Prophecy
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Starred by Gregory Peck, the original The Prophecy movie (from 1976) is a MUST SEE if you love horror movies. Some unexpected events, its gloomy staging, and the whole plot around this weird child, their family, and all the deaths that are to come to lead us to a masterpiece. Watch it!
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Now make some popcorns, buy some soda, make yourself comfortable on the couch, grab some pillow to cover your eyes and you're ready to watch all of these incredible horror movies.
Final questions: are you brave enough?