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On a Scale of 1 to 10, How Much of a Sleepy Koala Are You?

Shhh! There's people sleeping here!

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Mar 14, 2024
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Did you know that koalas sleep about 22 hours a day? They probably honor World Sleep Day better than most species, don't you think? We'd like to assume you know someone who can sleep as much as a koala, and if not, it may be YOU!

Answer these questions and we'll reveal, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a sleepy koala you are!

>> Tell Us The Weirdest Places You've Napped and We'll Rate Your Personality 

Do you usually feel tired at work?

Are you always willing to take a nap ANYWHERE?

Are you the kind of person who falls asleep as soon as a movie begins?

Do you take any pills to fall asleep?

How often do you have nightmares?

Do you hear music that makes you sleep better?

Are you a night owl or an early bird?

Do you go to sleep to avoid facing some problems?

How much do you like sleeping?

Last question: are you falling asleep right now?

You're a very active koala!

You're a very active koala!

On a sleepy koala scale from 0 to 10, you've got a 2! You don't like naps or going to sleep. Life is an adventure, and there's no time to go to bed!

You're a sleepy koala!

You're a sleepy koala!

On a sleepy koala scale from 0 to 10, you've got a 6! You love naps, but you don't get your life ruined by this!

You're a very sleppy koala!

You're a very sleppy koala!

On a sleepy koala scale from 0 to 10, you've got a 10! Sleeping is your life: naps, bed, pillows, dreaming. Hey, wake up! Don't fall asleep now!!

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