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Pick an Easter Egg and We'll Give You Romance Advice

What do you want more? Chocolate or love?

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Apr 6, 2023
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It's Easter season and we're here, super ready for chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. Time to start an Easter eggs hunt, or to give an Easter egg to someone special in your life....wait, what do you mean you don't have anyone special in your life? Nobody to love? Nobody in love with you? Oh, oh... This cannot happen anymore!

We've got the solution for you! We've got the perfect quiz to reveal what's going on in your romantic life and we'll give you the best piece of advice. Just be sure to pick the perfect Easter Egg. Let's go!

>> Can You Identify These ASTONISHING Easter Egg Traditions? <<

Be picky! Which Easter Egg do you like most?

Which of these Easter Eggs would you pick?

And what about these?

OMG! These Easter eggs seem delicious. We cannot choose, and you?

And between these?

We don't know about you, but we're definitely hungry now... Choose one egg!

And what about these?

Do you want an easter egg? So do we! Choose one!

Choose the one you think is tastiest:

Last round! Pick your final choice:

Nothing good for you this year...

Nothing good for you this year...

Well... do you really want us to talk to you about your romantic life? The best piece of advice we have for you is to take things easy. It's not gonna be the BEST year for you (at least in what romance concerns), but you might take this as an opportunity to learn about yourself, enjoy life and have a good time!

Oh, ok! There's something there!

Oh, ok! There's something there!

Are you falling for someone? We've got something to tell you. Be aware of all the signals! Don't let the rush of the love situation blind you to what's going on. If you REALLY think the other person is worthy, go for it! If you have your doubts, you'd better stop, think about the whole situation, see what's going on, and then make a decision. Better now than later!

Go and have fun!

Go and have fun!

Love? Romance? What are we pretending? The best piece of advice we could offer you is to stop trying to find love everywhere and really focus on having fun, having a good time, meeting other people, partying with your friends. Love is overrated, don't you think? You can find happiness in other places, be sure of that!

Who are you spending Easter with?

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