The Chinese New Year Can Either Bring Love or Loneliness - What'll You Get?
The Chinese New Year Can Either Bring Love or Loneliness - What'll You Get?
Please, Year of the Dragon, we need LOVE!
Please, Year of the Dragon, we need LOVE!
We're all looking for love and turning around every corner to check if the love of our life is there. For sure, nobody wants to be alone so... what's better than the Chinese New Year for us to check our fortune in love?
The Year Of The Dragon has finally arrived and it's bringing too many things for everyone. Do you think it'll bring love or loneliness to you in 2024? Time to check how love is gonna be for you...
So... Let's check for love. When was the last time you fell in love?
Do you usually call it quits after the first date?
Which of the following would you prefer in a partner?
And the best place to go on a date?
This is super important: Winter or Summer?
And... Are you a cat lover or a dog lover?
Those questions were important, thank you! Now, tell us, how often do you post on your social media accounts?
In a partner, which of these things do you look for most?
Do you have a 'crush' on a famous person?
Last question: Are you a HOT or a COLD
The Chinese New Year will bring you LOVE :)
The Chinese New Year will bring you LOVE :)
Stop with the dating apps, stop fe eling alone, stop thinking 'When is it gonna happen to me?' because 2024 is YOUR year. You'll finally find your significant other and it's gonna be amazing: kisses, datings, travels, presents, and love everyone. You're the lucky one!
Sorry, but The Chinese New Year may bring you loneliness...
Sorry, but The Chinese New Year may bring you loneliness...
Oh, honey.. we're so sorry to tell you that this might not be the best year for you when it comes to love. No significant other, no lovely relationship... just dreaming that it may happen to you sometime. Don't worry: You'll find joy and fun in other aspects of your life!
Do you think dating apps are good for meeting people?
Do you think dating apps are good for meeting people?