This Test Will Reveal What Your Faith on The Titanic Might've Been
This Test Will Reveal What Your Faith on The Titanic Might've Been
Are you a Jack or a Rose?
Are you a Jack or a Rose?
We're taking advantage of Kate Winslet's birthday just to give you this test that will really reveal your faith. You undoubtedly know Kate Winslet played the notable role of 'Rose' in the iconic Titanic movie, right? Now it's time to find out how your life would have been if you were there, at that complicated situation. Would you have made it? Would you have had terrible faith? It's time to find out the truth!
How old are you?
How often do you do some sports?
Do you like videogames?
Which of these places would you rather visit?
Which was your favorite subject at school?
Which of these movies do you prefer?
Which of these options would you choose at a restaurant?
How would you describe yourself?
How many friends do you have?
Which of these pets do you have?
Would you have a blind date?
You're saved!
You're saved!
Your life experience and your intelligence make you one of the survivors of this tragic event. Good for you!
You became a hero!
You became a hero!
When the Titanic crashes into that Iceberg, you manage not to save yourself but some other people too. You're really a great hero!!
Ouch! Not a happy ending :(
Ouch! Not a happy ending :(
Something terrible happen when the Titanic crash into that Iceberg. Sadly, these aren't good news for you.
How old are you?
Do you think Rose could have helped Jack at the
end of the movie?
Do you think Rose could have helped Jack at the
end of the movie?