We Bet You Don't Know These Weird Facts About Brownies!

This quiz is DELICIOUS!

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Dec 4, 2022
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We're here for the important things in life and one of those are emojiBROWNIES emoji Spongeous, delicious, easy to make, and one of the most chocolatey meals there could ever be. However, they are as delicious as interesting because there are some weird facts in their history.

Do you wanna know these weird facts? And SPOILER ALERT! You're gonna get super tempted by this quiz but it's something you have to overcome because it's National Brownie Day! Let's go!

1 / 9

Rumor has it brownies were invented in 1892!

2 / 9

The first version of brownies included strawberries!

3 / 9

It is recommended to eat them with...

4 / 9

Which was the name of the chef who invented brownies?

5 / 9

How many versions of brownies actually exist?

6 / 9

What is the difference between a brownie and a pound cake?

7 / 9

How much sugar do you have to use in order to make a perfect brownie?

8 / 9

What do you have to do with the brownies before you eat them?

9 / 9

How much do you wanna eat a brownie right now?

Questions left

Which drink would you most want to have with a brownie?

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