Which Boyband Is Perfect For You?
Which Boyband Is Perfect For You?
We DO love boybands, right?
We DO love boybands, right?

Whether you were in the '90s, in the '60s, or anytime, one thing is clear for all of us: we LOVE boybands. The Beatles, NSYNC, Jonas Brothers, BTS... they've all made their way in the music industry and gave us a lot of bops we will never forget. Do you know which boyband is perfect for you? Let's find out!
In which decade were you born?
What kind of songs do you love the most?
How would you define yourself?
Where did you meet your best friend?
What's your favorite music genre?
If you were on a desert island, which one of these objects would you prefer to have?
What do you think is the most important thing about a friendship?
What do you think about love?
Which one of these places would you prefer to go on holiday?
Which one of these apps do you prefer?
If your lover cheats on you, would you forgive him / her?
The Beatles
The Beatles
You're classic, you love old hits and that's why The Beatles is the perfect boyband for you. I mean, they were huge, they had a lot of hits, they are charming...Who wouldn't love them?
TIME-TO-DANCE! You're energetic, you like stylish things, you are pop star wherever you go! Nsync is THE boyband for you
One Direction
One Direction
For a person like you who loves friendships, laughs and a drink with friends, One Direction is perfect for you. With their happy and energetic songs, with their ballads, and with all of their albums, they will make you feel accompanied, like they were actually really friends of you
Nothing defines you better than the word SMILE: you are a happy, energetic, lovely, and cool person who loves to take joy and laughs wherever you go, exactly like BTS with their amazing and enjoyable songs!